Privacy Policy


ESHOPLAND cares and respects your privacy. We (means “ESHOPLAND”) collect and use your personal information only as required to provide the Services (as defined under our “Terms of Service”), in compliance with applicable laws on privacy protection and personal security.

This Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) outlines what personal information we may collect, how we may use and share your submitted personal information. This Privacy Policy applies to our Website, (as the “Website”), and to our affiliates and joint venture websites. By using the Services (as defined under “Terms of Service”) or accessing the Website, you expressed your consent to our collection and use of your personal information contained in this Privacy Policy.


Collection of Information

We collect your personal information only as needed to deliver our Services to you or to fulfill our obligations, such as when you access our Website, create an account, use or purchase our Services or products, purchase products or services through our Websites, contact us for support, apply for a job, or when you otherwise provide us information.

Our collection of your personal information includes information such as your name, address, phone number, email address, bank account, company identification information, billing and payment information or other data you otherwise provide us, and other personal data collected that could directly or indirectly identify you.

We may collect information about how you access our Services, such as information about the device and browser you use, your network connection, your IP address, and details about you browse our platform and Websites, by using cookies. For more information about this, please refer to our Cookie Policy.

Users may choose to connect or create an account by using an external third-party application (e.g. Facebook). We may receive data from the connected third-party applications and the received data will be protected by this Privacy Policy.


Use of Information

We use the collected information to facilitate the Services we provide. Our use of your personal information includes but not limited to:

deliver our Services to you;

improve the operation and performance of our Services;

verify your account ownership;

communicate with merchants, members and non-member users;

notify users the availability of special offers, products, services and system updates;

assist with direct marketing, advertising and promotion;

enable payment transaction;

charge and bill for our Services;

customer relationship management;

resolve disputes;

detect and prevent fraud and abuse of our Services;

diagnose problems and identify risks, errors and security management;

comply with legal requirements;


We do what we can do to ensure the security of our Website and protect your personal information. We will not use, share, disclose or transfer to third-parties your personal information for any unrelated purposes, unless and to the extent it is required by applicable laws or regulations or the competent governmental or judicial authorities, necessary to establish or preserve a legal claim or defense, or necessary to prevent fraud or other illegal activities. In this case, we will notify such disclosure in advance, unless we are legally prohibited from doing so.

If you have any questions about the security or retention of your personal information, or how we handle or process your personal information, you may contact us by email at

We do not and will not sell or market your personal information to any third parties. We will cease using your personal information held by us once the personal information is no longer required for ESHOPLAND to carry out the purpose for which the personal information was intended to be used.


Transfer of Personal Information to Different Locations

When you submit personal information to ESHOPLAND, you understand and agree that this personal information may be transferred, processed and stored across international borders for us to fulfill the purpose of delivering the Services to you. All transfer, storage and use of your personal information shall be subject to and protected by this Privacy Policy.



We take precautions to protect your personal information against unauthorized access or unauthorized alteration, disclosure or destruction. These include internal reviews of personal information collection, storage and processing practices and security measures, as well as physical security measures to guard against unauthorized access to systems where we store your personal information.

Transmission of personal information across borders between different ESHOPLAND offices (if any) is performed through our secured wide area network. When you submit personal information via our platform or our Services, your information is protected both online and offline.

However, ESHOPLAND cannot guarantee a perfect security on the internet. When using the internet, we recommended that you use highly secured username and password, and change your password on a regular basis, as well as keep your computer up to date by applying the latest available security updates for your software and using such tools as virus/spyware scanners.


How You Can Access, Update or Delete Your Information

You may view, update and edit your personal information by signing into your Account and view or update your personal information under the “Settings” and “Account” sections on the Administration Panel at our platform.

You may request to delete your personal information, you may contact us by email at The request of data deletion will only be honored to the circumstances that it is no longer required for any Services purchased or needed for our legitimate business purposes or legal or contractual record keeping purposes.

For further inquiries about this Privacy Policy, kindly contact us by email at for assistance.


Additional Information Concerning Children's Privacy

Our Services are target to users over the age of 18. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children (persons under the age of 18) without their parent's or guardian's consent. Children are not eligible to use our Services and we encourage parents and guardians to take an active role in their children's online activities and interests while using the Services.

If you are a child under the age of 18, please seek and verify your parent's or guardian's consent before you submit any personal information to us. Your parent or guardian can revoke any consent previously given. If you have any reason to believe anyone under the age of 18 has provided us with any personal information, please contact us by email at


Sensitive Personal Information

ESHOPLAND will never ask you to provide sensitive personal information such as information about your medical or health record, political or religious beliefs, criminal offences alleged or committed criminal conviction background, sexual orientation, sexual life or genetic information. Please refrain from providing us with such information.


Links to Third Party Websites and Service

This Service may contain links to other web sites, or use service provided by others (including but not limited to Google Analytics and Social Plugins). Please be aware that ESHOPLAND is not liable for the security or the privacy practices of Third Party Service. We encourage you to be aware of when you leave our Website and link to other websites or link to other websites via the Services. You are recommended to read the privacy policy thoroughly of Third Party Service that collects personal information before accessing the websites. This Privacy Policy applies only to our Website and ESHOPLAND’s Services.


Changes to The Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to change or modify this Privacy Policy at any time, and such changes or modifications shall be effective immediately upon post to this Website. If we make substantial changes to it, we will notify you by means of a notice on the Website. You are advised to check the terms in this Privacy Policy periodically for any changes that may impact you and if you do not accept such amendments, you must cease use the Services immediately.